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CARE Program

The Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE) Program is a court outreach program that provides students and young adults with knowledge and the skills they need to make smart financial decisions.

For the past 13 years, Bankruptcy Court Judge Margaret Mann has lead the Credit Abuse Resistance Education ("CARE") Program supported by the San Diego Bankruptcy Court.  Judge Mann continues to be the Court sponsor of the San Diego CARE Program.

“The volunteers with our CARE Program in San Diego provide practical tips
to help people avoid costly financial mistakes and build security for a happy life.”

— Judge Margaret Mann

“Thank you for supporting Public Education and for taking the time to talk and teach our students about Financial Literacy.
It is GREATLY APPRECIATED.  Look forward to next year’s CARE PRESENTATION.”

— Point Loma High School, Social Studies Teacher

“Thank you, Ms. Poteet, for taking the time to explain to us about the behind the scenes of the
world of incomes, outcomes and much more. It was useful for me since I hadn’t no idea how
bank system or budgeting worked. Also, teaching us about student loans and other alternatives
on how to save money and be financially stable. Thank you once again for coming, I will
definitely use this information in the future.”

— Stanley E. Foster School of Engineering, Innovation & Design (EID), Student

Judges, attorneys, and other professionals in the judicial system are available to deliver informative CARE Program presentations to your students right in your classroom. Presentations can be delivered to large or small groups and can be tailored to fit your schedule. We also can focus on a financial topic that is most interesting to your students.

If you are an administrator or teacher and are interested in scheduling a CARE Program presentation at your high school, college, or other organization, contact Michele McConnell, Judge Mann's judicial assistant and CARE Program coordinator, for more information.

What CARE Can Bring to Your Students


  • CARE teaches students everyday tips to stay on track, right from their smartphone

Banking 101

  • From how to set up a check and savings account to information on the best type of accounts for students

Credit Cards

  • Should I charge this or not? CARE discusses the pros and cons of credit and how to use it wisely

Credit Scores

  • What are they? How can I get a higher credit score? All are questions the CARE Program  answers

Payday Loans

  • New regulations related to payday loans and how student could be at risk are presented

Student Loans

  • Why higher education is worth the cost and how to avoid risks in borrowing while decreasing the overall amount



Success Inside and Out

Success Inside and Out is a program created by the National Association of Women Judges for presentation at Las Colinas Detention and Reentry Facility for Women in Santee, California.   The Financial Fresh Start segment of the program has been presented by Judge Margaret Mann and focuses on the financial challenges of reentry into society after incarceration. The presentation addresses local resources for housing, income and job training. Free legal assistance resources potentially available are listed. The presentation addresses credit basics, credit repair, bankruptcy and budgeting issues as well. 

Courts or financial literacy programs interested in assisting those reentering into society may find the power point presentation a useful resource.