To file electronically with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of California users must be trained and certified by the Court to use NextGen CM/ECF. The training is focused on court-specific filing requirements and is completed online at your own pace. Once you have been trained and certified, the Court will activate your individual PACER account to allow filing in our NextGen CM/ECF.
EXCEPTION: Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC) allows creditors to file Proof of Claims electronically without obtaining a Limited Creditor Access filing login and password from our office.
Access ePOC:
Access Your CM/ECF Training
Access the proper CM/ECF training for your filing purposes using the chart below.
Attorney Access to CM/ECF | For access to the CM/ECF System by attorneys and trustees, click on the link to the left. |
A filing agent can file on behalf of attorneys or trustees. For access to the CM/ECF System as a filing agent, click on the link to the left. | |
Limited Creditor Access / Filing Proof of Claims through ePOC ONLY |
Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC) allows creditors to file Proof of Claims electronically without obtaining a Limited Creditor Access filing login and password. Access ePOC: NOTE: At this time, other types of documents, require a CM/ECF login for electronic filing. You must obtain a Limited Filer login and password if you’re filing both Proof of Claims and additional documents, such as:
Limited Creditor Access | For limited access to the CM/ECF system by creditor representatives filing proofs of claim, assignments or transfers of claims, reaffirmation agreements, and requests for notice to be added to the mailing list, click on the link to the left. |
Limited Access - Special | For personal financial management course providers electronically filing personal financial management course completion certificates only click on the link to the left. List of Approved Providers can be found at the US Trustee’s website |
Limited Access for Court Reporters | For contracted court reporters for filing transcripts and transcript-related entries click on the link to the left. |
Contact the court's Help desk at (619) 557-7555 or send Email to info_casb For assistance on the PACER side, follow this link