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Court Forms

National and local bankruptcy court forms are available on this page.  Form titles are in alphabetical order and are available as fillable PDF (Portable Document Format) files and/or as Word files.


  • To open the form, click on the form title, the PDF icon, or the Word icon
  • The Reference column in the table below contains a description of the form. These form category descriptions appear on the Forms page.
Formsort descending Issued Form No. Reference
Objection to Claim and Notice Thereof 08/30/24 CSD 2015 Local Form, LBR 3007-1(a)
Objection to Confirmation of Ch 13 Plan 12/01/23 CSD 1172 Local Form, LBR 3015-4
Opposition to Relief from Stay Motion - Real & Personal Property 07/01/18 CSD 1161 Local Form, LBR 4001-3(a)
Order Appointing Appraiser 07/01/18 CSD 2049 Local Form
Order Appointing Auctioneer 07/01/18 CSD 2045 Local Form, LBR 6005-1(a)
Order Appointing Mediator and Assignment to Mediation 09/14/20 CSD 4002 Local Form
Order Approving Interim or Final Appl for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses 07/01/18 CSD 1144 Local Form, LBR 2016-4
Order Approving Trustee's Application to Pay Expenses w/o Notice 03/01/15 CSD 2111 Local Form
Order Converting Case Under Ch 11 to Ch 12 07/01/18 CSD 1109 Local Form, LBR 1017-2(a)(1)
Order Converting Case Under Ch 11 to Ch 7 07/01/18 CSD 1108 Local Form, LBR 1017-2(a)(1)
Order Converting Case Under Ch 7 to Ch 11 07/01/18 CSD 1105 Local Form, LBR 1017-2(a)(1)
Order Converting Case Under Ch 7 to Ch 12 07/01/18 CSD 1106 Local Form, LBR 1017-2(a)(1)
Order Converting Case Under Ch 7 to Ch 13 07/01/18 CSD 1107 Local Form, LBR 1017-2(a)(1)
Order Dismissing Ch 13 Case after Hearing 03/01/15 CSD 2012 Local Form
Order Dismissing Chapter 13 Case on Request by Debtor 12/01/23 CSD 1176 Local Form, LBR 1017-2(b)(1)(B)
Order for Compensation of Appraiser 06/01/18 CSD 2051 Local Form
Order for Compensation of Auctioneer 06/01/18 CSD 2046 Local Form
Order Granting Conditional Approval of Ind Ch 11 Combined Plan of Reorg and Disl Stmt 07/01/18 CSD 1154 Local Form, LBR 3017-2(a)
Order Granting Debtor’s Motion to Value Real Property, Treat Claim as Unsecured and Avoid Junior Lien 07/01/18 CSD 1171.2 Local Form, LBR 3015-8(d)(5)
Order on Motion for Exemption Re: Credit Counseling 06/01/18 CSD 1028 Local Form
Order on Non-Contested Motion Dismissing Ch 13 Case 03/01/15 CSD 2013 Local Form
Order on Non-contested Motion for Relief from Stay: Real or Personal Property 07/01/18 CSD 1162 Local Form, LBR 4001-5(a)
Order on Non-contested Motion for Relief from Stay: Unlawful Detainer 07/01/18 CSD 1165 Local Form, LBR 4001-5(a)
Order on Stipulation to Vacate Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waiver 07/01/18 CSD 2007A Local Form
Order on Trustee's Application for Immediate Sale (CSD 2022) 03/01/15 CSD 2023 Local Form
Order Reopening Case 12/01/24 CSD 1490 Local Form, LBR 5010-2
Order Shortening Time for Hearing for Adv Cases 07/01/18 CSD 3000B Local Form, Administrative Procedures
Order Shortening Time for Hearing for BK Cases 07/01/18 CSD 1001B Local Form, Administrative Procedures
Order Shortening Time for Hearing for Relief from Stay 07/01/18 CSD 1159B Local Form, Administrative Procedures
Order Template for Adv Cases 07/01/18 CSD 3000A Local Form, Administrative Procedures
Order Template for BK Cases 07/01/18 CSD 1001A Local Form, Administrative Procedures
Order Template for Relief from Stay 07/01/18 CSD 1159A Local Form, Administrative Procedures
Order to Appear for Examination 07/01/18 CSD 3061 Local Form, LBR 7069-1